Welcome to Linville State School. It is an honour and a privilege to be the Principal of a school which provides exciting educational experiences within a supportive school culture.
As a small country school, we focus on stimulating, hands-on, high-interest learning experiences that best meet our students’ learning styles. Community involvement is encouraged and supported.
We have catered our learning programs to meet the needs of the children and to develop a more holistic approach. We believe through consistent educational programs that evolve from one year to the next, students are likely to experience success. Also, by adapting innovative techniques into our programs through collaboration with like schools and colleges with similar age groupings, we are striving to optimise the learning outcomes of individual students.
Our school is located in the Darling Downs South West Region and we are part of the Brisbane Valley Cluster of schools. We have interactions with larger schools in our area and in the South Burnett, which encompass a number of small schools. The Darling Downs Region has a wide range of schools within the surrounding area. Linville State School is working to develop productive relationships with our closest geographical colleagues.
Our purpose is to provide high quality education services, which develop all students to their full potential so that they are able to contribute positively to, and be active participants in, a socially, economically and culturally vibrant society. Our core business is improving student outcomes.
We are very proud of our school, staff and students and invite you to become part of it.
Jane Dean - Principal